Chiropractic / Dry Needling / Shockwave Therapy

Neuromusculoskeletal Assessment/Diagnosis, Chiropractic Adjustment/Manipulation, Lumbar Flexion - Distraction, Webster Technique, Activator Method, Manual/Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Therapy, Functional Strength & Conditioning Training, Custom Orthotics Fitting.

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Normatec® Recovery

Normatec® technology delivers a powerful and patented compression massage that helps athletes recover faster. It is used for a pre-workout warm up and as a post workout recovery. The Normatec® PULSE 2.0 Series increases circulation and reduces pain and/or soreness. In addition, studies have shown the Normatec® recovery massage can help boost the pressure to pain threshold, clear lactate and met... Read More

Normatec® technology delivers a powerful and patented compression massage that helps athletes recover faster. It is used for a pre-workout warm up and as a post workout recovery. The Normatec® PULSE 2.0 Series increases circulation and reduces pain and/or soreness. In addition, studies have shown the Normatec® recovery massage can help boost the pressure to pain threshold, clear lactate and metabolites, and increase range of motion. There are attachments for the legs, arms, and hips which allow athletes to rejuvenate their muscles, stay in top form, and maximize their training.

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As a motivated athlete, Dr. Aoude’s goal is to educate, treat, and help support patients and athletes to live an active and healthy lifestyle. Having treated thousands of patients, he uses his years of chiropractic and athletic experience to promote overall physical health in a way that aligns with his clients personal and self-care values—always encouraging them to actively engage in their spine health and take control of their life. He truly believes that through chiropractic care and physical training, you can empower yourself to be an active participant in the whole health you deserve!

Dr. Aoude said, “The aspect of my work that gives me the greatest fulfillment is helping my patients become more self- sufficient in managing their musculoskeletal conditions, while making wellness part of their overall life approach.”

Dr. Aoude is passionate about educating all of his patients on health and wellness to promote a pain-free lifestyle and prevent long-term health risks. He makes sure to review all the latest literature and health trends to assist his patients in making educated and informed decisions about their health.

As a motivated athlete, Dr. Aoude’s goal is to educate, treat, and help support patients and athl... Read More

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